August 17, 2013

Summary 4 – Online Shopping

Shopping online is trend these days. Online shopping is the process consumers go through to purchase products or services on the Internet. Its popularity is increasing mainly because of its speed and ease of use
The advantages of online shopping are many. When you shop online, you are only using one parking space, your chair and it does not matter where you go. you can travel from one store to another with a slight shift or body and a mouse. Click shopping keeps the car in the garage. If the weather is bad, you will not have to deal with those elements and tackle opening the trunk. Sit back, start your computer and use that keyboard.
When you shop online, you can just let your fingers do the walking right up to the register. There is no need to wonder if you will get a decent cart and no clanging wheels.  It does not matter if you forgot your wallet. Just key in your card numbers and it is paid. If you are disabled, shopping online, you do not have to put up with rude or gawking people. There are no narrow lanes or checkouts to deal with.

It is common practice to compare the prices of products across a number of websites.  You will be amazed at the range of prices you will find.  Look for coupons and other offers.  Many online merchants offer rebates that can save you a bundle of money.  To receive the rebate, as usual, you have to enter the coupon code in the order form.  It is then deducted from the total purchase price.  Start your bargain hunting at the discount coupon site.

Many airline sites offer weekly specials and e-fares for travellers.  To be kept informed of these discounts, sign up for their newsletters at their websites.  Some sites offer free shipping as a way to attract customers.

Just as in shopping in the real world, there are safeguards you should take. If you want to make a purchase from a store you have not heard of before, it is wise to do some research. You could start with Better Business Bureau Online.  Moreover, make sure that the site lists a physical address and not just a post office box.  Finally, check to see if it displays seals from consumer protection organisations.  Be wary of deals that appear too good to be true.

Just like anything else, online shopping has its fair share of disadvantages.  When shopping online, you do not interact with people.  You will miss eating out with a friend or family member and discuss the latest gossip after a fun shopping trip.  Online shopping does not come with a meal and nice conversation.  It is an alone trip.  Security can be an issue to some.  The best way to alleviate your fears is to e-mail the sites and tell them how you feel.  The next step will be theirs to make you feel secure.  Watch out for little locks when ordering online.  If the lock is open, it is not the most secure area to be in.

Read the following article on ‘Online Shopping’.  Write a summary on the opposite page explaining:

·                     The advantages of online shopping.

·                     The safe guards which we can take

Your summary should be about 100 words long and you must use your own words as far as possible.

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