August 17, 2013

Note-Making – How to approach a note making exercise

1- Read the question carefully and underline the key words as you read.
2- Look carefully at the heading, and at any pictorial information, such as a photograph or diagram, in order to pick up extra clues about the content before you begin to read the text.
3- Read the text fairly quickly, with as much concentration as possible. Slow down and re-read any parts you find confusing.
4- Underline key parts of the text that are relevant to the question.
5- Then, complete any bullet points or numbered points by copying short, relevant words and phrases from the text, or using words of your own. You do not need to write complete sentences. (The phrase should not be longer than 6 – 7 words)
6- Be selective and don’t just copy out large parts of the original. Remember, you are making notes, not writing paragraphs. Your completed notes should be brief, concise and easily understood. Even by someone who has not seen the original text.
7- Use the given space. (one note on one line)
8- Do not start with a capital letter or end it with a full stop.

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